Saturday, 11 September 2021

Taylea Reese Marston

Name: Taylea Reese Marston
Aliases: Tay
Bio-Gender: Female
Age: July 11/ 41
Astrology: Cancerian
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Heritage: Canadian
Nationality: Canadian
Religion: Wiccan
Marital Status: Single
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair:  Has dark brunette, shoulder-length, wavy and thick.
Height: 5ft7
Weight: 130lbs
Body Build: Beautiful modern and athletic woman
Complexion: Toned, velvety, and smooth.
Measurements: 35-24-33 inches
Bust: 35 inches
Waist: 24 inches
Hips:33 inches
Bra Size: 40C
Dress Size: 6
Shoe Size: 8.5

Reese Miles Marston ( Father )
Cecilia Helena Marston-Beacon ( Mother, deceased )
Helena Luna Beacon ( Grandmother, deceased )
Lloyd James Beacon ( Grandfather, deceased )
Roland James Marston ( Grandfather )
Taylor Leah Marston ( Grandmother )

Life Status: Enterpeuner, scholar, and avid motorcyclist
Residences: Modern Ranch-Style house - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Education: Ottawa University, BA and MBA (Business management)

Career: Owner operator of Seasons Cottages ( Gatineau Hills, Ottawa, Canada)

Business: Seasons Cottages

Special Info: She is a romantic and sexual woman.

History: She is intelligent, creative, independent, contemplative, is inquisitive, adventurous and also can be analytical
Seasons Cottages is a family business that began 3 generations prior  She has inherited it from her grandmother upon her grandmother's death. It is fully functioning solid staffed with 1 other management member with 4 members of cleaning staff and 1 landscape staffer.

She was part owner a clothing outlet. But, she is new to the hospitable industry.