Pleasing The Viscountess

Genre: Contemporary Erotica Romance
Partner(s): 1x1 - F/F or F/M
Setting: Royalty - International Business World
Elements: Seduction, erotic energy, having a kept lover, sexual kinks,
private lives staying private, relationship-world building, romance, adventure
Partner(s): 1x1 - F/F or F/M
Setting: Royalty - International Business World
Elements: Seduction, erotic energy, having a kept lover, sexual kinks,
private lives staying private, relationship-world building, romance, adventure
Pleasing The Viscountess 🌹 Seeds & Ideas
Marissa Helena Victoria Hamilton seems to merely be another overachieving entrepreneur with an international media empire. However, she holds the status of high born, royal Irish born to a very prominent conservative political family that once almost ruled Ireland. The brunette of Irish green-eyed owns the titles of being a descendant of Viscount Richard Hamilton. Hence, she is the Duchess with assuming the titles styled as Viscountess.
The family no longer holds its ancestral seat in the House Of Lords but they have made modern accomplishments in international business and the political realms of the United Kingdom. She is powerful in her own right but she also wields those family, royal and business ties like she is birthed to do so.
She long ago chooses to not marry. But that does not intend that she does not enjoy the intimate company of men or women. Currently, she is without a playmate.
Yet, that could change because a university student, a student at university has caught her attention. They did when she attended a Masked Ball for alumni with student swiftly being so charming and flirtatious that they literally kept her attention for the longest time before she did her usual vanishing for the events end. The weeks that followed brought the student to be sending her poetry and notes that come delivered to her personal mail. And now, now the student requests an audience with her, a possible tea date if she is willing.
The Characters:
foreign university student soon to graduate and seeks career prospects
in the United Kingdom so they do not need to return home to work in the
family business that is managed by an elder sibling. The student will
seduce, and being that one who demands to please her and be kept within
her wealth and business world.A thirty-seven-year-old, beautiful, sophisticated, intellectual, privately kinky, a wealthy businesswoman of royal heritage who is determined to live life as she wishes to. And that includes enjoying the pleasures of a private kinky lifestyle and any intimate lover that she wishes.
My Character: Viscountess Marissa Helen Victoria