Thursday, 10 January 2019

Cathedral Of All Time

Genre: Fantasy Fiction
Partner(s): 1x1 - F/F or F/M
Setting: Earth - Humans
Mysitical - Historical - Modern - Time - Souls
 Elements: This is the result of a reoccurring dream that I have had since 2010.
Reincarnation, soul energy, forbidden love, erotica, relationship-world building, romance, seduction, adventure

Cathedral Of All Time  -  Overview, Come Peek @ Idea

My Dream: 
Seeing the stained glass panes of the massive stone cathedral, seeing you stand amongst the grey-stoned statuary as sounds of hushed words are spoken between you and the priestly order in attendance brings me to fear my fate. You said I would be safe here, safe within the closures of this temple of humans, Yet, I know that sanctuary is never truly found in any religion. Safety and love are only found in kind souls that exist within the truths of the universe. But you say, "Safe; safe my beloved we maybe us here and then it`s onward to the distant hills where we will exist within our love."

My thoughts 'we are protected from the hooded knights, guarded unto love and kept from the evil that hunts all humans'. But my reply is a worried gaze with a weak smile that has me saying, "Yes, my beloved.Yes."

However, there is no confidence in the process that we undertake. We are known as lovers and that makes we two criminals against the code, the code claiming that love between us is wrong. Our true eternal love has always been wrong down through the ages, always wrong. It matters not if we are the same gender or not, our love is a crime and humans keep us apart. Always apart but you come to me when you see the fear in my eyes, fear of what is coming for us.

There are horsemen coming across the hills and are hunting with all that they have as weapons. You know this and look at me with it causing you to leave the priests when saying, "I must be hers. Go from me."

Then, you stride in a clapping of the heel of your leather boots on the stone floor, you come to me with placing fingers on my chin to look me in the eyes '"I feel you, we are together forever. Feel it and abide in me, me and you."

Mine Thine One
In the cathedral of all time, you are mine.
With the energy of two souls bound to be one.
We vow our pledge to be bound in every lifetime.
We stand there sacredly whispering of love and union as one.
Oneness in every sense with claiming, "Truly only thine."
There in the cathedral of all time, there our vow was done.
Mine. Thine. One.

We, two souls of pure energy, did so before the beginnings of time.
We abide in the sacred temple of gray stone to make union as one.
Oneness amongst the ornate stone arches and stained glass of the shine.
Us holding each other with it spoken: "This may not be undone."
Mine. Thine. One.

In the cathedral of all time, the Creator made you mine.
In the cathedral of time, I demanded to be your one.
Standing there you claimed, "I am thine, you are mine."
Holding me in love`s embrace you said, "My one, forever one."
"Thus, it shall be." claimed a voice that sounded like chimes.
Then in blessing, the universe declared "You two are forever one."
Mine. Thine. One.

Thus, we may proclaim, "Mine!"
For we know that we are one.

((Mine Thine One - WindWhisperer ))

My Character: Undecided