Lord Of Neo Terra

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Partner(s): 1x1 - F/F or F/M
Setting: Elite Society - Secret societies
Elements: - Power struggles, world domination, corruption,
the seven sins, seduction, romance, relationship-world building.
Partner(s): 1x1 - F/F or F/M
Setting: Elite Society - Secret societies
Elements: - Power struggles, world domination, corruption,
the seven sins, seduction, romance, relationship-world building.
Lord Of Neo Terra 🌹Seeds & Ideas
It sounds like a new Earth but is it?
Rothschild $ Rockafellar $ Morgan $ DuPont $ Bush
Rupert $ Gates $ Walton $ Astor $ Oppenheimer $ Arnault
Koch $ Goldman-Sach $ Slim
& Much more
power & influence
money & control
politics & corruption
dominance & submission
games & pleasures
Men and power- the most powerful cabal on EarthRothschild $ Rockafellar $ Morgan $ DuPont $ Bush
Rupert $ Gates $ Walton $ Astor $ Oppenheimer $ Arnault
Koch $ Goldman-Sach $ Slim
& Much more
power & influence
money & control
politics & corruption
dominance & submission
games & pleasures
Their goals are to empower social change through their power and influence. It is about control and creating male dominance the world over. Yet, the very foundation and most powerful of them have met catastrophe.
The family Rothschild had a reunion to celebrate the birth of the man who began it all. It was a once in a decade celebration where all the male family members and spouses must attend. They did, they partied and the wine was poisoned. Massacre with the only survivors being the three female offspring of the Brookfield-Rothchild lineage.
Three young women with not one of them trained to rule the family or to be the leader of the powerful cabal. Yet, the eldest is stepping up to reign and be the only female to do so. That is just so wrong according to the other top four families. In that vein of truths, the other four top families decide that a young male from amongst them will pursue, date, marry and bring the eldest daughter into submission.
Serena is not willing. She likes being chased and the suitors are many. After all, who wouldn`t want to control the world? And that is true even if the controlling must seem to be done through Serena Hannah Brookfield-Rothschild.
My Character: Serena Hannah Brookfield-Rothschild