Tuesday 3 October 2017

Conjuring Kinkiness


Genre: Contemporary
Partner(s): 1x1 - F/F  or F/M
Setting: Secret Societies - Magic  - Science 
Elements: Transformation, mysticism, conjuring from dreams, dream lover, 
relationship-world building, conquest, political intrigue, 
power struggles and hedonism.

Conjuring Kinkiness - Overview, Come Peek @ Idea

A wealthy woman in the business world is a member of a secret society and the occult world. She has rare books and sells them too. She is hell-bent on making her own lover by using ancient creationist mysticism spells and etc. She does succeed, but the lover only comes in dreams and is barely a real phantom as time progresses. With the furthering of the magic and their knowledge, they can succeed in making the lover real, but this is based on if they can find a willing host body. Yet, is what she created is a lover or a demon or worse. Either way, the lover wants her pregnant, bound to them for eternity through a blood union and she is to be submissive.

It has a deep and vast plot - or I wish it to have it.
It additionally is fantasy and paranormal.

My Character: 

Kathryn Ryanne De Wilde
