Genre: Contemporary
Partner(s): 1x1 - F/M or F/F
Setting: Secret Societies - BDSM - Cults bdsm
Elements: Mystery, cults, romance, action adventure,
secret societies of the elite and relationship-world building.
Mesmeric Blue - Overview, Come Peek @Idea
She is considered one of the most desired bachelorettes in the world and not merely due to her riches, but it is additionally due to her intellect, extreme passions, and her love of horses and fine cars. Yet, what isn’t known is her enlistment in secret societies and BDSM lifestyle. She is a Dominant and is demanding to stand as the purest of them – Dominea.
Contemporary and wealthy society. She is considered one of the most desired bachelorettes in the world and not merely due to her riches, but it is additionally due to her intellect, extreme passions, and her love of horses and fine cars. Yet, what isn’t known is her enlistment in secret societies and BDSM lifestyle. She is a Dominant and is demanding to stand as the purest of them – Dominea Bethanie.
She was Vice President (Currently CEO/President) of her family`s prosperous energy company and inherited the bulk of her wealth when her twin brother Lance died in an airplane crash. She now owns an 80% share and all terms of business in the family`s prolific international solar energy corporation – Solar Sense. She additionally has inherited minor investments involving retail holdings and a Nascar. She leads a very private life and often is in residence in the Gatineau Hills outside of Ottawa, Canada. She has estate houses in London, U.K., Baton Rouge Louisiana, U.S.A. and a few apartments the world over.
It is the world where she is a goddess within it. She has deeply feminist beliefs with no limits on what she is willing to do. Accordingly, her true beliefs about men are that they are to kneel to her and women are to be seduced into her bed. Men are her sex toys when she wills them to be and she demands any dream that she desires from them.
She seeks a man or woman willing to be her balance, pleasure and her beloved
My Character:
Elisabeth Ann Angelus