Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Ninurta Nin-imma Kishar
Aliases: Nin, Kish, Imma
Bio-Gender: Female
Age: October 23 ( 30 but Immortal)
Astrology: Libra
Sexual Orientation: Polysexual
Heritage: Middle Eastern
Nationality: None – but all (Sumerian)
Religion: Spiritualist
Marital Status: Single (but married many times)
Eyes: Dark brown, dancing and dazzling
Hair: Black
Height: 5 ft. 8
Weight: 124lbs
Body Build: Casual athletic
Complexion: Arabic/brown
Measurements: 33-25-37 inches
Bust: 33 inches
Waist: 25 inches
Hips: 37 inches
Bra Size: 33C
Dress Size: 4
Shoe Size: 9
Kor Adab Kishar ( Father - deceased )
Nin Nilli Kishar ( Mother - deceased )
Life Status: Scholar, wander, warrior, and flexible living life.
Residence/Location: N/A
Education: Highly educated in many aspects of life.
Career: Anything that she must do.
Business: N/A
Special Info: ‘Been there done that’ attitude.
History: Tactful, romantic, charming, just, diplomatic, balanced, detached, unreliable, laid back, self-indulgent, indecisive
She can pretend to be pleasant, as she doesn't wish to displease anyone. Choose the middle path to please but is influenced by the views of other people. She has a strong sense of justice and fair play. A very pleasing manner of talking and makes people feel happy in her company. An extremely romantic about life and is driven by the feelings of love. Expert at getting things done but cannot be called cunning and is too good to exploit the emotions of other people.
Monday, 30 October 2017
Penthesileia Ambrosia
Name: Penthesileia Ambrosia
Alias: Leia
Bio-Gender: Female
Age: November 11 (seems 33)
Astrology: Scorpio
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Heritage: Amazonian, Grecian
Nationality: Amazonian
Religion: Pagan
Martial Status: Single - soul-bound
Eyes: Hypnotic Gray
Hair: Golden Blond
Height: 5 ft. 7
Weight: 136 lbs.
Body Build: Athletic.
Complexion: Caucasian, olive-coloured skin
Measurements: 35-27-36 inches
Bust: 35 inches
Waist: 27 inches
Hips: 36 inches
Bra Size: 32C
Dress Size: 8
Shoe Size: 8
Ares ( Father )( Whatever current name is necessary )
Otrera ( Mother )( Whatever current name is necessary )
No longer claims siblings, no siblings.
Life Status: Warrior, Amazon, Intellectual, Lover, Soulmate, Business Woman, Traveller, Artist
Residences: Depends - ( If Modern Day ) New York, New York, United States - loft apartment, 2 bedrooms / Ottawa, Canada - spacious old farmhouse just outside city / Stockholm, Sweden - 3 bedroom apartment on the first floor of a five-story building / Petersburg, Russia - spacious two-bedroom condo / Dublin, Ireland, Winterized 2 bedrooms Cottage overlooking the Irish Sea / Pyrgi, Αθανάσιος, Greece – a two-floor stone house, 2 bedrooms, and a fireplace.
Education: warrior training, (if Modern Day) Columbia College, Chicago – several others unnamed, whatever suits the era
Career: Warrior, ( If Modern Day ) Businesswoman
Business: ( If Modern Day ) Amaz Onian Innovation
Special Info: Interests/hobbies are travel, interesting people, art, history, weapons collecting, technology, research, dancing, culture, and reading.
History: Is a legend, one half of a soulmate duo, one third of a ancient love triangle.
Cursed to walk the Earth until the end of the time. Always searching for her soulmate, Helen who also is cursed to live forever.
( If Modern Day )
Has a loft-style apartment in a refurbished warehouse in the city and works from home. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a studio for work, a large open space where a living room, kitchen, and dining room.
She works for herself, her own company of innovative technologies that is a multi-million dollar company, Amaz Onian Innovation. It is difficult to explain her wealth, and her past for she must cloak who she truly is while being capable of searching for her soul mate. Thus there is a history of multiple indignities, hiding the acquisition of wealth and being public enough so that her soul mate finds her.
( Ancient )
was an Amazonian queen claiming to be the daughter of Ares and Otrera
and the sister of Hippolyta, Antiope, and Melanippe. Her beauty was one
of a warrior queen at her finest with it attracting great amounts of
attention, just as her intelligence and warrior skills stimulated many
to admire her. A woman before her time, a woman of her time and a woman
who loved greater than any had.
Prior to the Trojan war,
Penthesilea had accidentally killed Hippolyta with a spear when they
were hunting deer. This accident caused Penthesilea so much grief that
she wished only to die. But, it had to be an honourable death as a
warrior and an Amazon. Yes, she had a death. And, that is the reason
that she joined in the Trojan War, fighting on the side of Troy's
When Penthesileia came to Troy to serve she met with
Helen. One gaze between them told Penthesileia that Achilles was no
longer the favourite of Helen, the Queen of Troy. Instantly the most
beautiful woman in all the world fell in love with the Amazonian queen.
Achilles did not mind it. The heroic warrior of legend saw it as an
opportunity to have the ultimate threesome. Thus, when he pursued
Penthesileia he had the intention of enjoying two wives but she refused
him with claiming Helen would only hers. In the hearing of the refusal
from Penthesileia then Helen denied Achilles the love that she once felt
for him. It is in that spurning that drove Achilles to murder the
Amazonian queen.
Yet, as the Trojan war ended and life went
forward Helen wept of her love for the Amazonian, she did even though
she had accepted being with Achilles. Then as fate does, it brings
strange events as Helen of Troy breathed her last breath at life`s end.
It brought her begging the immortals to allow Penthesileia and herself
to live mortal lives once more, to live and be soul bound for all of the
This surprised the Immortals for they had expected Helen to
only desire Achilles after the life of love that had seemed to exemplify
love. Yet, the most beautiful woman in the world claimed only to love
the long-dead Penthesileia.
Sunday, 29 October 2017
Reilly Helen Collins
Alias: Rei
Bio-Gender: Female
Age: March 23 ( 31 )
Astrology: Aries
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Heritage: Irish, Swiss-German, and English
Nationality: American
Religion: None
Martial Status: Single
Eyes: Hypnotic Green
Hair: Dark Brown, long, wavy
Height: 5 ft. 7 inches
Weight: 124 lbs.
Body Build: Slim, casual athletic.
Measurements: 33-24-34 inches
Bust: 33 inches
Waist: 24 inches
Hips: 34 inches
Dress Size: 2
Bra Size: 32A
Shoe Size: 8
Mackenzie James Collins ( Father )
Jane Helen Collins-Bannon ( Mother )
Zechariah John Bannon & Mary Helen ( Maternal Grandparents )
Tobin James Collins & Silvia Nancy Collins ( Paternal Grandparents )
No siblings
Life Status: Journalist, seeker, scholar and artsy
Residence: New York, New York, U.S. ( loft-style apartment )
Education: Columbia College, Chicago
Career: Freelance journalist - multiple magazines and a new paper.
Business: N/A
Special Info: Interests/Hobbies are interesting people, sexual lifestyle, art, career, and reading.
History: Raw energy, Impulsive, spontaneous and often self-centred, has an innocence, fearless, brave almost to a point of foolishness, lives on her own terms, has an emotional and passionate nature, has strong reactions, loving nature, impatience and impulsiveness, playful, flirty direct, intuitive, inquisitive, sexual, artsy, generous, sweet, and trusting.
Has a loft-style apartment in a refurbished warehouse in the city and works from home. with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a studio for work, and a large open space where a living room, kitchen, and dining room.
She works for 4 national magazines and 2 of the city`s newspapers in supplying articles. She makes a decent living off her work and is in demand for her writing, etc.
She goes to all types of parties. She hangs out at books stores, coffee shops, and sporting centers. She makes friends easily and enjoys the freedom of no strings attached relationships.
Saturday, 28 October 2017
Serena Hannah Brookfield-Rothschild

Name: Serena Hannah Brookfield-Rothschild
Alias/Nicknames: Seri
Bio-Gender: Female
Age: July 4 ( 23 )
Astrology: Cancer
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual.
Heritage: Hebrew-European
Nationality: British
Religion; Jewish
Marital Status: Single
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long golden
Height: 5 ft. 9 inches
Weight: 119 lbs
Body Build: Athletic
Complexion: Caucasian.
Measurements: 32-23-33 inches
Bust: 32 inches
Waist: 23 inches
Hips: 33 inches
Bra size: 32A
Dress size: 2
Shoe size: 7.5
Hannah Mary Rothschild ( Mother )( Deceased )
William Lord Brookfield ( Father )( Deceased )
Barbara Anne Brookfield-Rothschild ( Sister )
Sybil Mary Brookfield-Rothschild ( Sister )
Life Status: Intellectual, science nerd, art enthusiast, and lives a life of wealth.
Residences: Several. There are apartments in London, New york, Ottawa, Istanbul, Madrid, Paris, Zurich, Los Angeles, Monaco and etc.
Education: Cambridge University
Career: Environmentalist
Business: Entrepreneur and investor
Special Info: Brooding gaze and a cool-girl vibe
History: She is a friendly personality with a playful seduction. Intelligent, interesting, thoughtful, becomes bored easily. Creative. Loving. Protective. Playful. Flirty. Dislike loneliness, passionate, kinky, moody, friendly and family orientated.
Interests/hobbies are interesting people, art, reading, and parties.
Friday, 27 October 2017
Isabella Catherine O'Hara
Aliases: Isa
Bio-Gender: Female
Age: July 1 ( 40 )
Astrology: Cancer.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Heritage: Italian, Irish
Nationality: Canadian, living in the United States – VISA
Religion: None
Marital Status: Dating, long term.
Eyes: Blue-grey eyes.
Hair: Long dark ash brown with cool, deep tones.
Height: 5 ft. 7
Weight: 115 lbs.
Build Type: Casual athletic.
Complexion: Caucasian.
Measurements: 32-24-33 inches
Bust: 32 inches
Waist: 24 inches
Hips:33 inches
Bra size: 32B
Dress size: 2
Shoe Size: 7
Olivia Tess O`Hara-Rossi (Mother)
Marcus Dennis O`Hara (Father-Deceased)
Dennis Joel O`Hara (Elder brother)
Jesses Mary Tory (Girlfriend, 30 years old)
Life Status: Intellectual, science nerd, art enthusiast, and swimmer.
Residence: New York, New York, United States
Education: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Career: Environmental Scientist working for the local government.
Business: N/A
Special Info: Sexy hypnotic smile.
History: She is a reserved personality with playful seduction. Intelligent, interesting, thoughtful, becomes bored easily. Creative. Loving. Protective. Playful. Flirty. Dislike are loneliness, passionate, kinky, moody, and friendly and is a spiritual individual.
Interests/Hobbies are swimming, interesting people, art, reading and astronomy
Father owned a very prosperous art gallery that her mother took over when her father died. He passed away when she was two years old.
Her brother is five years older than her and owns the family business.
Her mother (Olivia) is in her 80s with quite healthy but is wheelchair bound.
MIT trained, works for the government as an environmentalist in a local lab.
She is bisexual and has a long-term girlfriend, a lesbian woman who has been with a company for a long time. They try to keep their relationship basic and not overtly public but they don`t hide it either.
Thursday, 26 October 2017
Selina Kyle - Cat Woman
Current Alias: Catwoman
Aliases: The Cat, Plundering Kitten, Princess of Plunder and Madame Moderne
Bio-Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: American
Origin: New Earth
Place of Birth: Gotham City
Marital Status: Single
Height: 5 foot 7 inches
Weight: 133lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark Brunette
Relatives: ?
Career: Professional Thief
Affiliation: Batman Family, Outsiders, Injustice League, Justice League of America, and Gotham City SirensBase Of Operations:
Identity: Secret (Supervillainess/antiheroine)
Powers & Abilities
Abilities: Jumping rooftop to rooftop
Acrobatics: Selina is a gifted and accomplished athlete, with heightened acrobatic prowess. Her feats have been so amazing; one could argue that her athletic ability is somewhat superhuman.
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced) - She was trained by the Armless Master in martial arts and by Wildcat in boxing and street fighting. She is a dangerous, clever and resourceful fighter, known for precise, agile attacks and speedy getaways. Her cat-like speed, reflexes, balance, and flexibility augment her formidable hand-to-hand combat skills.
Mastered martial arts styles:
Dragon Style Kung Fu
Stealth: Selina is as stealthy as any large cat. She has easily been able to sneak up on large groups of people and even other vigilantes on patrol. She shows marked prowess in this ability while she's on the prowl for her next job.
Thievery: Selina is a master thief, known throughout Gotham City for her burglary of cat-themed objects and/or gems and jewels of the highest quality. Hardly one to knock over a bank, Catwoman would rather break into the chairman's office and take his personal documents.
Disguise: To pull off her many capers, Catwoman resorts to disguises and aliases. She once posed as an old lady in order to steal a valuable piece of jewelry while on a cruise ship. Later, she posed as a nightclub goer in order to get acquainted with its owners and return later to rob them.
Feline Empathy: Catwoman has a good affinity for cats. Feline species tend to flock to her, accepting her almost immediately, recognizing somehow that she is not an enemy but a friend. This allows her to calm injured cats, train them, befriend them, and form strong bonds with them. These animals will even sometimes come to her defense when she is attacked. This has proved most beneficial, especially when it has involved big cats.
Strength level: Catwoman possesses the peak human strength level of a woman her age, size, and weight, in addition, who engages in intensive regular exercise and combat training. Catwoman is capable of pressing up to twice her own weight (270 lbs.). She is capable of swinging uninjured with a grapple or whip.
Catwoman Costume: The skintight costume features retractable razor-sharp claws in her gloves and spring-action climbing pitons in her boots. Her costume is designed to give her maximum flexibility and movement while providing her some anonymity, and stealth. Her mask covers her features, keeping her from instant recognition in her civilian identity. The material is a thick insulating cloth, protecting her from cold and wet while being fire retardant.
Motorcycle: Catwoman occasionally uses a motorcycle for long-distance transportation, but generally prefers rooftop prowling for short distances.
Claws: Catwoman's gloves and boots contain special retractable claws, which are formed of a strong steel which extends from and retract into her gloved fingertips and boots when she triggers pressure switches. They can shred a bulletproof vest, punch through an aluminum frame car door, or dig into porous surfaces to climb.
Whip: A standard bullwhip and the cat o' nine tails. Catwoman is highly proficient in the use of the bullwhip. She employs a 12-foot long, black leather braided bullwhip, which is normally carried, on her person either in her boot or in a small backpack.
Other weapons: She can also be seen using a pistol against people if her whip is taken from her. Catwoman uses Caltrops as an anti-personnel weapon and Bolas to entangle opponents at a distance.
Catwoman has also been shown to have various items to restrain her victims, such as rope for binding hands and feet, and a roll of duct tape used to gag her targets, as she has done with various victims during her robberies over the years. Often, she uses sleeping gas or knockout darts to subdue victims. Catwoman's attractiveness and feminine wiles have also allowed her to take advantage of male opponents.
Although originally introduced as an equal opponent for Batman, Catwoman's status as hero or villain is ambiguous; she has her own moral code and has occasionally teamed up with Batman and other heroes against greater threats, even saving the lives of the entire Justice League on one occasion. She represents a gray area in Batman's otherwise black and white life where the line between good and evil blurs, and his attraction to her stems from this perception that, in her way, she's kind of a female version of himself: another dark creature that prowls the night.
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
Felicia Hardy - Black Cat
Aliases: Felicity Harmon, Cat, "Licia", "Leesh", "Fee-Fee", Black Cat
Bio-Gender: Female
Age: Early 20s
Nationality: American
Marital Status: Single
Place of Birth: Flushing, New York U.S.A. with a criminal record (pardoned)
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Platinum blonde
Complexion: Caucasian
Education: College graduate (arts major)
Occupation: Private investigator, adventurer, professional thief and wealthy businesswoman
Relatives: Walter Hardy (The Cat, father, deceased), Lydia Hardy (mother)
Base Of Operations: New York City
- Mutant ability to affect probability fields around her ("jinxing-) Bad Luck.
- Exceptional gymnastics
- Unarmed combat skills / Expert martial artist.
- Infrared vision, superhuman balance and agility, and long extensible claws.
- Enhanced strength / she is able to lift 800 lbs. optimally.
- Metal mesh wired gloves with sensors to trigger an extension of claws, agility-boosting implants, and intramural balance compensators. Grapnel hidden in sleeves.
- An experienced gymnast and acrobat can swing from rooftop to rooftop with help from a grappling hook, also an experienced hand-to-hand combatant
- The Black Cat has retractable claws hidden in her gloves.
- Probability manipulation
- Superhuman sense of smell and night vision
-The Black Cat carries a small grappling hook device, with a built-in release mechanism, enabling her to swing among buildings. She wears earrings of a unique design that aids her balance and allows her to always land on her feet. She wears contact lenses that enable her to see in the UV and IR range, providing excellent night vision.
Felicia Hardy was born in Queens, New York. Her father Walter pretended to be a traveling salesman but was a world-renowned cat burglar who, before his arrest, encouraged her to never settle for second best. If she loved basketball, she should work to become a basketball player and not just a cheerleader.
As a freshman at Empire State University, her boyfriend Ryan raped her and she took to hating the idea of being a victim, she trained herself in various fighting styles and acrobatics, intent on killing her rapist. Finally, after months of preparing, she set out for revenge, but before she could find him, Ryan was killed in a drunk driving accident. Furious that she was denied the chance for revenge, Hardy decided to utilize her new skills to follow in her father's footsteps. After amassing a fortune in stolen items, Felicia adopted her costumed identity.
Black Cat carries significant baggage. Her mother told her that her father was dead, but the kid discovered that it was a lie. As a reaction, Felicia came to imagine her father as a greater-than-life, Romantic figure whom she intensely sought to emulate and make proud. Her mother made Felicia promise to seek psychological help, but the girl didn’t actually do it. The Black Cat’s is thrill-seeking - stealing was easy to be.
Felicia was childishly happy and playful but routinely created trouble as she couldn’t stand being bored. Furthermore, her respect for the law remained feeble, and she’d steal something cool rather than feel boredom. She tends to act before she thinks since that means more excitement and because she’s so young and starry-eyed that she believes that courage and love always prevail over deadly super-human criminals.
Felicia refuses to have anything to do with Peter Parker - she wants the masked, mysterious, myth-like Spider-Man. She always refused to see his unmasked face.
The Black Cat has a visceral phobia of being imprisoned and restrained and will panic if it looks like she’ll end in the slammer — probably throwing herself to her seeming death to escape. Even grabbing her by the wrist to prevent her from leaving is likely to trigger sudden, full-force violence.
Since Felicia can make money pretty much at will, she usually lives in a luxurious hotel.
Monday, 23 October 2017
Eve Aire
Aliases: None
Bio-Gender: Female
Age: July14 ( Late 20s )
Astrology: Cancer
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Heritage: Unknown
Nationality: Unrevealed
Religion: Spiritualist
Marital Status: Single
Eyes: Mystical blue
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5 ft. 8
Weight: 56 kg or 123.5 pounds
Build: Casual athletic
Complexion: Caucasian
Measurements 34-26-35 inches
Bust:34 inches
Waist:26 inches
Hips: 35 inches
Bra Size: 34B
Dress Size: 4
Shoe Size: 7
Life Status: Oracle
Residence: Various
Education; Various
Career: Mystic/Psychic/Oracle
Business: N/A
Special Info:
Origin: Other Realm
Race/Type: Otherworlder /Oracle Hybrid
History: Playful, flirty, intelligent, intuitive, kind and adventurer
Lived with Elven clans but she isn’t Elven. She has dreams and can foretell when properly stimulated. She is here to find out why. Doesn’t know her past beyond age 20. Her mind has been wiped clean.
Sunday, 22 October 2017
Diana of Themyscira
Current Alias: Wonder Woman
Aliases: Diana Prince, Princess Diana, Miss America, Goddess of Truth
Gender: Female
Origin: Universe New Earth
Place of Birth: Themyscira
Race: Amazon
Citizenship: Amazon
Marital Status: Single
Height: 6' 0" (6'2"-6'3" in heels)
Weight: 130 lbs (59 kg)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Relatives: Ares (grandfather)[1], Hippolyta (mother), Antiope (aunt, deceased), Theseus (uncle by Antiope, deceased), Hippolytus (cousin by Antiope and Theseus, deceased), Donna Troy ("sister"), Terrence Long (brother-in-law, deceased), Robert Long (nephew, deceased)
Occupation: Government Agent; Ambassador
Affiliation: Justice League; formerly Department of Metahuman Affairs, Star Sapphire Corps, Female Furies, White Lantern Corps
Base Of Operations: Washington, D.C.; Themyscira; JLA Watchtower, Hall of Justice; formerly Boston, Gateway City
Identity: Public Identity
Powers and Abilities
Divine Empowerment: Directly after being sculpted from clay, several Olympian gods granted attributes to Diana.
Superhuman Strength: Granted by Demeter (Goddess of the Earth). Diana is literally as strong as the Earth because of her link to the planet granted to her by Demeter. She is said to be "stronger than Hercules". Wonder Woman is as strong as Superman himself and able to physically outmatch other beings such as Supergirl effortlessly.
Superhuman Durability: Granted by Demeter (Goddess of the Earth). Diana possesses a high resistance to damage and magical attacks. Her resistance to injury is not quite as great as any of the above-mentioned metahumans. However, due to her vast threshold for pain and her Amazon ability to heal at a superhuman rate, this easily makes up for the difference. She has withstood considerable bludgeoning damage in the form of hand to hand combat with metahuman opponents such as Superman and Captain Marvel. She has considerable resistance to human weaponry, though this is not absolute; Bullets can cause minor to moderate injury, but never life-threatening.
Flight: Granted by Hermes (the Messenger God). Wonder Woman is capable of unassisted flight by gliding on air currents.
Superhuman Speed: Granted by Hermes (the Messenger God). She is able to think, react and move at superhuman speeds. According to Flash, she can easily keep up with him if he is at regular cruising speed (but not at top speed).
Superhuman Reflexes: Granted by Hermes (the Messenger God). Wonder Woman's reflexes are far beyond the limitations of the finest human athletes. She has been able to react to a barrage of gunfire from multiple opponents at once unharmed. Batman noted that her reflexes are superior to that of Superman.
Superhuman Agility: Wonder Woman's agility is far beyond that of even an Olympic level athlete, as is her balance and coordination.
Superhuman Stamina: Wonder Woman can last a great deal of time in any fight and with virtually anyone. She has held her own in combat with foes as powerful as a Doomsday clone. She doesn't tire out, as her body produces no lactic acid in her muscles.
Enhanced Healing Factor: Granted by Demeter (Goddess of Earth). Like the Earth, Diana is constantly renewing herself, allowing her to quickly heal mild to moderate injuries at an amazing rate. Her normal regenerative abilities allow her to recover from injury within seconds to minutes. She possesses an incredible immunity from poisons, toxins, as well as disease.
Oneness With Fire: Granted by Hestia (Goddess of the Hearth). Apparently making her a focus of truth.
Empathy: Granted by Athena (Goddess of Wisdom). "The Sight of Athena" apparently grants her increased insight. For example, Diana can often detect others' emotions and is now so fully immune to Doctor Psycho's illusions that she usually is not even aware of what illusions he is attempting to project.
Animal Empathy: Granted by Artemis (Goddess of the Hunt). Ability to communicate with all forms of animals (including dinosaurs) and her presence alone can bring a raging beast to a calm standstill. She is also able to directly command wild animals when needed. She used bald eagles to distract Superman after defeating him in battle once.
Enhanced Senses: Granted by Artemis (Goddess of the Hunt). Eyesight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell.
Enhanced Vision: She also possesses the "Hunters Eye" which allows her to always hit her mark. She can see too far greater distances than any normal human. After a short period of blindness, Athena bound her own vision to her champion, not only restoring her sight but granting her further insight as well
Enhanced Sense of Smell
Enhanced Hearing
Dimensional Teleportation: On occasion, Wonder Woman can literally leave the planet through meditation. She did this to rescue Artemis when she was in hell and has even conversed with the Greek Gods on occasion.
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced): Diana is the finest warrior ever born among the Amazons of Themyscira. She is a master of armed and unarmed combat, proficient with nearly every weapon ever made (especially the bow and the javelin) and the exotic martial arts styles of the Amazons. Batman once remarked that Wonder Woman is the best melee fighter in the world.
Wisdom of Athena: Granted by Athena (Goddess of Wisdom). Diana possesses great wisdom and intelligence, though the degree varies from author to author. She is among the smartest and wisest members of the Justice League of America, along with the Martian Manhunter and Batman.
Multilingualism: Diana has exhibited heightened proficiency with languages, being able to speak her native Themysciran, Ancient and Modern Greek, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Mandarin Chinese (she expressed "difficulty" with the tones of Cantonese during an interview with Lois Lane), Russian and Hindi. Plus, through precise muscle control, she can mimic other people's voices for short conversations (on the telephone). It is more difficult, for her to mimic a man's voice than another woman's voice.
Master Tactician and Strategist: Granted by Athena (Goddess of Wisdom). Diana is an accomplished strategist and tactician, trained in the arts of leadership, persuasion, and diplomacy, and possesses a great deal of courage as well. She is a gifted leader.
Aviation: Expert pilot. Can fly the Invisible Jet with ease.
Master combatant:
Throwing: Diana is an expert at using her tiara as a boomerang.
Blindness (formerly): During a fight with Medusa, Diana was forced to blind herself with a snake's venom. Her eyesight was eventually restored by Athena after she usurped the power over Olympus
Vulnerability to Piercing Weapons: Diana is extremely resistant to blunt force attacks and has a vast tolerance for pain. However, she is more vulnerable to piercing weapons, such as arrows and bullets.[
Amulet of Harmonia: (formerly) A gift from the mad goddess Harmonia, a small red disc would aid her in her battle against Ares when she came to Man's World.
Modeled after the shackles the Amazons were once enslaved with. The gauntlets were formed from the remains of Zeus's legendary Aegis shield and were re-forged for her use by Hephaestus. Diana's superhuman reflexes enable her to use the gauntlets to easily deflect projectiles (such as bullets) and powerful energy blasts from beings such as Ares and Darkseid. She is even fast enough to protect herself from multi-vector attacks. At close-range, the gauntlets block blades, weapons, and punches. They are even able to deflect Darkseid's energy attacks. When crossed, the gauntlets generate a remnant of the Aegis itself, forming an impenetrable barrier just in front of them which allows Diana to protect herself and those behind her from area attacks.
Gold Armor: for use in large battles, Wonder Woman has a golden body armor with a chest plate, pteruges, greaves, an open visor helmet, and large, non-functional wings on her back.
Lansinarian Morphing Disk: (formerly) Wonder Woman has at her disposal a small lightweight disc of Lansinarian technology that, when triggered by her thoughts, transforms into a transparent version of whatever object or vehicle is appropriate for her needs. The device has been used for several purposes, including a communication device, but is most frequently used by Wonder Woman in the form of an invisible jet plane.
Lasso of Truth: The Lasso of Truth is her signature weapon. Most who are captured in it are forced to answer any questions she asks and is unable to lie. It cannot be broken, snapped or cut. She can also control it to a certain degree using telepathy. It can also be used to erase memories, heal the mentally ill (in some cases),[citation needed] and implant commands that must then be obeyed.
Black Lantern Ring: (formerly) During her brief period as a Black Lantern, Diana was given a Black Lantern Ring by Nekron.
Star Sapphire Ring: (formerly): Diana temporarily held a copy of Carol Ferris' Star Sapphire Ring, and was drafted in its corps as an emergency measure for the final part of the Blackest Night. Once the battle was over, Diana was officially discharged from the Star Sapphire Corps.
Invisible Jet
Kane Milohai's seashell: Granted as a boon to Diana when she pledged loyalty to Kane Milohai in order to save her mother Hippolyta, this seashell floats in air and water, may grow in size to carry large numbers of passengers, and can travel between dimensions and even places that are otherwise mystically inaccessible.
Lasso of Truth
Tiara: Diana's golden tiara also doubles as a throwing weapon, as it is razor-edged and can cut through most substances.
Saturday, 21 October 2017
Danielle Gabriella Thérèse Rainier
Name: Danielle Gabriella Thérèse Rainier
Aliases:: Dani. HSH The Duchess of Carladès (Monaco).
Princess Royale.
Bio-Gender: Female
Age; July 15 ( 35 )
Astrology: Cancer
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Heritage: Monégasque Monacan
Nationality: Monégasque Monacan (Monaco)
Religion: Catholic
Martial Status: Single
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5 ft. 8 inches
Weight: 117 lbs.
Body Build: Voluptuous
Complexion: Caucasian
Measurements: 36-24-34
Bust: 36 inches
Waist: 24 inches
Hips: 34 inches
Bra Size: 36D
Dress Size: 8
Shoe Size: 8
Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre Rainer ( Father, Prince monarch )
Charlene Wittstock ( Mother, Princess monarch )
Jacques Honoré Rainier ( Brother, twin, Marquis, Prince )
Life Status: Royal, Businesswoman, Scholar
Residence: Monaco, an estate house and many residences all over the world
Career: Businesswoman and philanthropist.
Education: Cambridge University, Masters of Business Degree
Career: Environmental technologies and real estate
Special Info: N/A
History: Regal, sexual, flirty, reserved, social, elegant, kind and in every measure a royal.
Speaks, writes, and understand these languages; English, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and German.
She is a sexual woman and a romantic.
Dani is a dominant personality and an alpha female. She is extremely intelligent, creative, contemplative, and a bit philosophical, but also can be analytical, and opinionated. She thinks deeply and is cautious. She is bold, independent, inquisitive and interested in adventure. She knows what she wants and why she wants it. She has good intuition, patience and the ability to nurture others.
Friday, 20 October 2017
Diana Eli Wayne
Name: Diana Eli Wayne
Aliases: Di, Ms. Wayne
Bio-Gender: Female
Age: July 1 ( 27 )
Astrology: Cancer
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Heritage: Canadian
Nationality: Canadian-American
Religion: Christian
Martial: Status: Single
Eyes: Denim blue
Hair: Blond, shoulder length
Height: 5 ft. 6
Weight: 134lbs
Body Build: Casual Athletic
Complexion: Caucasian
Measurements: 37-24-36
Bust: 37 inches
Waist: 24 inches
Hips:36 inches
Bra Size: 34C
Dress Size: 6
Shoe Size: 6
Kyle Harold Wayne ( Father, deceased )
Sandra Fiona Wayne ( Mother, deceased )
No siblings
Jane Marie Wayne ( Paternal grandmother )
Life Status: Businesswoman, submissive, intellectual
Residences: New York City, New York, USA ( 3 bedroom apartment ) and Toronto, Ontario, Canada ( country estate outside of )
Education: The University of Toronto, Masters of Business Administration
Career: Owns an international trading consortium with a long history, a family business.
Business: Wayne Industries
Special Info: Breathless seductive voice
History: Reserved, workaholic, and typical Cancerian.
Diana is an only child of parents that died in a violent car crash four years ago. Her paternal grandmother is the most important relative in her life. She has a large base of other relatives but her grandmother lived with her family most of Diana `s life. But now the grandmother lives in a nursing home due to needing medical care.
Wayne Industries is engaged in a small range of businesses globally, with those including the buying, selling, importing, and exporting of various manufactured goods. It also invests in various sectors of the North American food production economy. 50 years of such until downsizing upon the deaths of the two founding members, Kyle Harold Wayne and Sandra Fiona Wayne.
Today, four years after their deaths Wayne Industries consists of a headquarters in New York, United States and offices in Toronto, Canada. Both portions of the company are run by Managing Directors with Eli Wayne being less of a hands-on owner than her father. However, she still grips the helm to control the more significant decision making and being chief on selective deals.
Thursday, 19 October 2017
Ky Kim Soo Soto
Aliases: Master
Bio-Gender: Male
Age: February 16 ( 29 )
Astrology: Pisces
Heritage: Asian
Nationality: Japanese American
Religion: None but must publicly adhere to Buddhist.
Martial Status: Single
Eyes: Ebony Black
Hair: Stylized and black
Height: 5 ft. 11
Weight: 143 lbs.
Body Build: Casual athletic
Complexion: Asian
Measurements: N/A
Chest: N/A
Waist: N/A
Hips: N/A
Dress Shirt Size: Medium
Pant Size: N/A
Shoe Size: 9
Kim Chung Soto (Father )
Kim Ju Soto ( Mother )
Nam Soo Soto ( Elder Brother )
Life Status: Professor, BDSM Dominant, romantic, scholar
Residence: Los Angeles, California, United States
Career: Associate Professor - attached to the Humanities Department of Osaka University. Professor of humanities
Education: Osaka University and Berkeley University
Business: N/A
Special Info: Languages are English and a few Japanese Dialects.
History: Compassionate, artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise, musical, fearful, overly trusting, sad, romantic, reserved, desire to escape reality, Dominant
Traditional Japanese relationships with a woman who is second to man and serves man. His women very much are traditional making him a traditionalist. Likes a woman to talk to, but she is to kneel to him.
He is well educated and enjoys American life more than living too much in the traditional customs of Japan.
He knows his self very well. Not strong-handed but mild in temper. Is strict in what he expects in life and demands that a routine is followed. His home is spotless and everything has a place, yet he is relaxed too and funny.
Soto family owns an international Biotech empire of medical software. His father and elder brother deal with the company. His brother cannot have children. He is to carry on as a lineage provider. Owns his own house of three bedrooms, two living quarters of a family, an office and a large open dining room with a kitchen. In Japan, there are family housing units that have staff in them. There are several houses and possibly a home if needed it. His home is duty, routine, love and passion between her and him. He demands her to be his only, to render on unto them the sacredness of marriage and to be in his house. He will sell his soul for her if she maintains what his family is.
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
Sara Allison Baver
Aliases: None
Bio-Gender: Female
Age: November 7 ( 25 )
Astrology: Scorpio
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Heritage: German, British, Spanish
Nationality: American
Religion: Christian
Marital Status: Single
Eyes: Dark brown eyes with brown circles on the outer rims
Hair: Long wavy brunette
Height: 5 ft. 3 inches
Weight: 128 lbs.
Body Build: Athletic and disciplined
Complexion: Caucasian
Measurements: 31-23-33 inches
Bust: 31 inches
Waist: 23 inches
Hips: 33 inches
Bra Size: 30B
Dress Size: 4
Shoe Size: 6
Gerald Alan Baver ( Father )
Karen Jane Baver ( Mother - Deceased )
No siblings
Life Status: Computer geek, BDSM Submissive, the only child
Residence; 2 bedroom apartment - Los Angeles California, United States
Career: Computer Graphic Designer
Education: Computer Science degree, Ryerson University
Business: Works for a multinational company
Special Info: Interests/Hobbies are swimming, gardening, history, and technology.
History: Intelligent, creative, caring, focused, brave balanced, intuitive, faithful, ambitious, jealous, secretive, resentful, manipulative, and loving.
She is a more intense personality of great intellect and is playful to a degree but is soft within with a very giving spirit and needs to be perfect in what she does in life.
Father military officer and mother deceased, no siblings. She was raised by her father while living a military lifestyle and was born in North America, suburbia of Salt Lake City, Utah. Her youth schooling was public schools and universities for computer studies. Has no children and hasn’t planned for any.
She has a sexual history of being a Submissive and has had 3 Masters.
Tuesday, 17 October 2017
Candice Sophia Roman
Alias: Candi
Bio-Gender: Female
Age: October 8 ( 21 )
Astrology: Libra
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Heritage; Hungarian-Canadian
Nationality Canadian
Religion: Christian
Marital Status: Single
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Medium Brown
Height: 5 ft. 7½ in or 171 cm
Weight: 54 kg or 119 pounds
Body Build: Slim
Complexion: Caucasian
Measurements; 34-23-35
Bust: 34 inches
Waist: 23 inches
Hips: 35 inches
Bra Size: 32B
Dress Size: 4
Shoe Size: 7.5
Personality: Flirty, playful, intellectual, adventurous, and social
Life Status: Student. Foreign Exchange Student
Serge Alexander Roman ( Father )
Sophia Anastasia Roman ( Mother )
Mila Tarija Roman ( Elder sister )
Residence: Carlton University dorm
Education: University/attending for B.A. (Social Sciences)
Foreign Exchange Student
Career: Part-time office employee and student.
Business: N/A
Special info: N/A
History: Birthplace is Budapest, Hungary. She is a virgin, a free spirit and is serious in life with an edge of determination.
Monday, 16 October 2017
Nicole Mary Holt
Alias: Nic
Bio-Gender: Female
Age: June 20 ( 19 )
Astrology: Gemini
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Heritage: European American
Nationality: American
Religion: Roman Catholic
Marital Status: Single
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Red
Height: 5 ft. 11 inches
Weight: 128 lbs
Measurements: 34-23-36 inches
Bust: 34 inches
Waist: 23 inches
Hips: 36 inches
Bra Size: 32B
Dress Size: 4
Shoe Size: 9
John Michael Holt ( Father )
Seren Mary Holt ( Mother )
Thomas John Holt ( Elder brother )
Life Status: Student, daddy's girl and innocent
Residence: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Education: Private (all girls) high school, and the College of the Arts
Career: Student
Business: N/A
Special Info: N/A
History: Gentle, affectionate, curious, adaptable, ability to learn quickly and exchange ideas, nervous, inconsistent, indecisive
Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. She is a virgin. Has a loving family.
She likes music, books, magazines, chats with nearly anyone, short trips around the town.
Saturday, 14 October 2017
Daniela Louisa Stone
Name: Daniela Louisa Stone
Aliases: Dani
Bio-Gender: Female
Age: July 23 ( 27 )
Astrology: Leo
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Heritage: Russian-American
Nationality: American
Religion: Christian
Marital Status: Single
Eyes: Warm brown
Hair: Medium brunette
Weight: 130lbs
Height: 5 ft. 8
Body build: Athletic
Complexion: Caucasian
Measurements: 34 – 24 – 35
Bust: 34 inches
Waist: 24 inches
Hips:35 inches
Bra Size: 34B
Dress Size: 8
Shoe Size: 9.5
Rich David Stone ( Adopted father, deceased )
Mary Louisa Stone-Carter ( Adopted mother, deceased )
No siblings
Life Status: Creative intellectual, art enthusiast, a minor league rebel and lives a life of the modern middle class.
Residence: Manhattan New York, United States. ( 2 bedroom apartment)
Education: New York Institute of Photography and a B.B.A. (Business Management)
Career: Pro Photographer/Entrepreneur
Business: Owns an art gallery, Stone Images
Special Info: N/A
History: She is a friendly personality that has high intelligent, thoughtful, creative, loving, protective. Playful, flirty, passionate, kinky, moody, and family orientated.
Interests/Hobbies are browsing art galleries, traveling, reading books at cafés, and children's charity work.
Born in Russia and raised in America. Her mother died in childbirth. Her father moved to the United States when she was very young. She owns a prosperous photo studio that has hired 2 other photographers. She travels immensely to do landscape photos and to do special photo-shoots.
Her home is in Manhattan New York, United States. She owns a 2-bedroom apartment.
Thursday, 12 October 2017
Randi Erling Kristiana Persson
Alias: Little Karl
Gender: Female
Age: August 4 (34)
Astro: Leo
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Heritage: Swedish and British
Nationality: American-Swede
Religion: None
Marital Status: Single
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Natural brunette but is currently blond, short, thick and stylized.
Height: 5ft.8.5
Weight: N/A
Body Build: Athletic and well toned muscular, androgynous.
Measurements: 34.5 - 25 - 35
Bra Size: 34A
Dress Size: 4
Dress Shirt: Men’s Small
Shoe Size: 8.5
Personality: Dominant, alpha female, extremely intelligent, kindhearted, energetic, loyal, optimistic, straight forward, headstrong, passionate, proud, regal, possessive, dominating, controlling, calculating, territorial, slightly impatient, and caring.
Life Status: Entrepreneur, BDSM lifestyle Dominant, Scholar
Erling Persson & Margrit Persson (Great Parents)
Carl Stefan Erling Persson & Carolyn Denise Persson(Grandparents)
Karl-Johan Erling Göran Persson (Father)
Eliza Randi Ryerson (Mother)
Leonie Gillberg (Stepmother)
Residences: A heritage house in Los Angeles, California, United States. She owns a 4-bedroom house in Stockholm, Sweden. She has a multi-bedroom estate in Ottawa, Canada. Plus, she has several apartments all over the world.
Education: Stockholm School of Economics (MBM)) and Stockholm University (B.A.)
Career: Entrepreneur, Vice President of the American Division of Swedish multinational Retail Clothing Company.
Business: Fashion Industry Mogul
Special Info: Androgynous. BDSM Dominant
History: She is the illegitimate great-granddaughter of Erling Persson a Swedish business magnate.
She’s got the eyes of Leo DiCaprio and the cheekbones of River Phoenix. She is a masculine/feminine sexy in appearance, naturally sensual and deeply intellectual. Hard working dedicated to her father and doesn't like her stepmother. Her mother, Eliza Randi Ryerson was never married to anyone. She died of Cancer when Randi was twenty-three. It was openly known of Randi Kristina Erling being the child of Karl-Johan Erling Göran Persson. She was raised separately with living mostly in American and Canada. She was given position in the family due to that she earned it. Her biological father insisted she has the best of education and gets the best. He does because he deeply loved Randi`s mother. Randi works and plays hard.
Housing Units:
Los Angeles, California, United Stated - 6601 Lindenhurst Ave,
West Hollywood, CA 90048 4 beds 4 baths 2,669 sq ft, vibrant European country living in the heart of Los Angeles. Lo is 6,202 sq ft - Single Family. Built-in 1926 Beverly Grove is flanked by West Hollywood to the north, Fairfax, and Mid-Wilshire to the east, Carthay to the south and Beverly Hills to the west. The neighborhood is bounded on the north and west by the Los Angeles city limits, on the east by Fairfax Avenue and on the south by Wilshire Boulevard and San Vicente Boulevard.
Ottawa, Canada - Charlesfort, is a residence that is a very spacious two-bedroom condo in a high-security housing complex in the city of Ottawa. She rather enjoys being a bit low key with this simplistic apartment. It is a very luxurious, conservatively furnished 2-bedroom, 2 bath condo on Charlesfort, in the main city of Ottawa. It was walking distance to Parliament, the Supreme Court, NDHQ, Byward Market and Place du Portage. It was very true that it existed right in the hub of Ottawa's business district. It was turnkey; a perfect fit for a busy executive and had a second bedroom that was currently a dedicated workspace with two twin pull out beds. The building itself was great too for it had an exercise room, meeting room, bike storage and a garden. She had bought it outright even though the place was only rental spaces. But that was a secret deal between her and the property`s owner.
Östermalm, Stockholm, Sweden - This 3 bedroom apartment is located on the first floor of a five-story building in Östermalm, only one block from Humlegården. The apartment building was constructed 1924, but the façade and balconies were renovated in 2009. This particular apartment is newly renovated and it has been recently refurbished. As you enter, there’s a large hall with Italian marble flooring and under floor heating. From there you enter the living room, featuring a high ceiling and a beautiful window section reminding of 1920’s style with mirrored window niches. The windows face the quiet courtyard and the walls are painted white. There’s also an open fireplace. There’s also access to a gym, sauna, and large indoor swimming pool. Only three other apartments have access to this recreational area. It’s a beautiful building with a stylish apartment. This particular one is especially attractive because it’s been recently renovated and refurbished and now it features a unique combination of classic, traditional and modern element.
Wednesday, 11 October 2017
Jasmine Anastasia O’Brien
Name: Jasmine Anastasia O’Brien
Alias: Jaz.
Bio-Gender: Female
Age: November 4 ( 35 )
Astrology: Scorpio
Sexual Orientation; Bisexual
Heritage: Irish
Nationality: American- Irish
Religion; Protestant Christian
Marital Status: Single
Eyes: Blue eyes.
Hair: Brunette, long, straight
Height: 5 ft. 7
Weight: 115 pounds
Body Build: Athletic and semi-muscled.
Complexion: Caucasian
Measurements: 32-27-32
Bust: 32 inches
Waist:27 inches
Hips:32 inches
Bra Size: 32B
Dress Size: 3
Shoe Size:7
Ana Ellen O`Brien ( Mother )
James Adam O’Brien ( Father )
No siblings
Life Status: Lawyer, scholar
Residence: Los Angeles, California, United States
Education; Trinity College, Dublin, BA, first-class hon.. The University of California, Berkeley - School of Law
JD, LL.M, Law (Civil Litigation Appeals, Criminal Law, Trials, Litigation, Criminal Defense, Commercial Litigation, Fraud, White Collar Crime, Arbitration, Dispute Resolution, Legal Research, Mediation, Legal Writing and Administrative Law)
Career: Lawyer. (Litigation, Specialist in White-Collar Crime)
Business: N/A
Special Info: N/A
History: Ruthless in her work, seductive, intelligent, manipulative, cold-hearted and commanding.
Dublin, Ireland but dual citizenship with living in California and moved there two years ago. ( American- Irish citizenship )
Monday, 9 October 2017
Elisabeth Ann Angelus
Aliases: El, Angel, Dominea
Bio-Gender: Female
Age: July 1 ( 31 )
Astrology: Cancer
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Heritage; Canadian French and Italian
Nationality: Canadian
Religion: None
Marital status: Single
Hair: Blonde - Hair Length: Long
Eyes: Sparkling blue
Height: 5ft. 9
Weight: 120lbs.
Complexion: Caucasian
Measurements: 34 – 24 - 35
Bust: 34 inches
Waist: 24 inches
Hips:35 inches
Bra Size: 34C
Dress: 2
Shoe: 8.5
Sean Enrico Angelus (Father - Deceased)
Helena Ann Angelus Noir (Mother -Deceased)
Lance Enrico Angelus (Twin brother- Deceased)
Denise Jean Noir (Maternal grandmother)
Life Status: Businesswoman, Lifestyle BDSM Dominant, scholar, adventurer
Residences: Gatineau Hill, Ottawa Canada (Estate house), Melbourne, Australia (Estate House/Ranch), Baton Rouge, Louisiana (Estate house), London, U.K.(House), and a few apartments the world over.
Education; Oxford, MEarthSc, and MBA
Career: CEO/President of Solar Sense
Business: Environmental Technologies
Special Info: Feminist, secret societies, and lives the fast life
History: Extremely intelligent, adventurous, playful, elegant, flirtatious, quieter personality
No organized religion.
Enjoys being an active feminist.
Belongs to a secret society member.
She is a lifestyle BDSM Dominant.
She loves cars, horses, and watching wrestling.
She is considered one of the most desired bachelorettes in the world and not merely due to her richest, but it is additionally due to her intellect, extreme passions, and her love of horses and fine cars. Yet, what isn’t known is her enlistment in secret societies and BDSM lifestyle. She is a Dominant and is demanding to stand as the purest of them – Dominea
She was Vice President (Currently CEO/President) of her family's prosperous energy company and inherited the bulk of her wealth when her twin brother Lance died in an airplane crash. She now owns an 80% share and all terms of business in the family's prolific international solar energy corporation – Solar Sense. She additionally has inherited minor investments involving retail holdings and a Nascar. She leads a very private life and often is in residence in the Gatineau Hills outside of Ottawa, Canada. She has estate houses in London, U.K., Baton Rouge Louisiana, U.S.A. and a few apartments the world over.
It is a world where she is a goddess within it. She has deeply feminist beliefs with no limits on what she is willing to do. Accordingly, her true beliefs about men are that they are to kneel to her and women are to be seduced into her bed. Men are her sex toys when she wills them to be and she demands any dream that she desires from them.
Sunday, 8 October 2017
Aria Elion Austere

Aliases: Aria. Eli.
Bio-Gender: Female
Age: July 7 ( 36 )
Astrology: Cancer
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Heritage: Finnish-American
Nationality: American
Religion: Pagan
Martial Status: Single
Eyes: Dazzling grey-green
Hair: Long, thick, straight, dark brunette.
Height: 5 foot 5
Weight: 125 lbs.
Body Build: Lithe figure, strong feminine curves that are delicate and resilient.
Complexion: Caucasian
Measurements: 36-24-33 inches
Bust: 36 inches
Waist: 24 inches
Hips: 33 inches
Bra Size: 34B
Dress Size: 4
Shoe Size: 7 (US)
Personality: A born entertainer, hard-working, a ‘dominant-submissive woman, intellectual, mysterious, elegant and friendly but can be antisocial when regenerating. She is family orientated but extremely independent. She has an allure of high sexuality and a very powerful presence with leaning toward seeming earthy.
Life Status: Intellectual, BDSM Dominant, and Musician
Timo Toni Austere ( Father )
Susssaunan Alixia Austere-Vänskä ( Mother )
Emppu Toni Austere ( Elder brother )
Sami Timo Austere ( Younger brother )
Residences: There are apartments the world over but the main house is in California, the United States and there is a house in London, England.
Education: High school, Senior Secondary School of Art and Music. Savonlinna, Finland. University. Sibelius Academy, Kuopio, Finland.
Career: Singer-songwriter, pianist, lead vocalist in a symphonic metal band and businesswoman.
Business: Music Industry
Special Info: N/A
History: Both parents and two brothers – She is a middle child and the only daughter of a close-knit family.
Dedicated to her career as an independent modern woman. She has endless social engagements and deals with music industry functions. She tries to have a normal life outside the concerts.
Secretly she is a diva of BDSM pleasures. She controls women; she has several BDSM pets and is a female Dominant within the BDSM world.
She controls women; she has several pets of her own and is a dominant female Dominant within the BDSM world. For the right male, she will kneel and submit herself and her pets to him She needs strong arms to hold her. There must be an understanding heart with a soul laid at her soul`s door. She needs a powerful union and vast sexual life that blows the mind. She needs a man who can be her everything while she is everything to the world. It is sex from the start and a life that is interesting on many levels.